airstrike reduction

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airstrike reduction

Post by Borch »

I was playing yesterday and I was getting airstrike after airstrike with a short time interval between. I believe I had the settings that would extend the time between airstrikes/mortars, etc., enough that they wouldn't be happening over and over. I'll have to give it another look, but for now, since they don't seem to be working right, I have changed the setting for the time between the first airstrike and the second airstrike to ten minutes, which should only allow one airstrike, since we have 10 minute rounds.

we'll see what happens. If you get more than one let me know.
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Re: airstrike reduction

Post by Borch »

So I believe I have airstrikes/mortars/artillery fixed, you get them at 100 points and after 20 seconds, you can deploy one of them, at random.

Then you have a two minute wait (120 seconds) for the next strike.

I believe that anti-camping settings are the same as they were, maybe.
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