Floating Icons

Post your bugs, server change requests here. Will be discussed at the admin meeting the first Sunday of every month.

Moderators: Borch, Executive Admin - !OHMY!, 4-Star Admin - |OHMY|

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Floating Icons

Post by 10001110101 »

Can we remove the floating flag icons? There are multiple maps we play regularly (Houn and Tobruk for instance) where they are badly in the way. I understand the thought behind them for the rare ctfb map that's new to us but they are really frustrating at times. I brought it up last meeting but my mic wasn't working and I don't think Borch was there to make any changes after it was discussed. Here's an example of what I'm talking about.
shot0109.jpg (371.14 KiB) Viewed 9368 times
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Re: Floating Icons

Post by sexymamag »

is there a way to place them just on ctfb. im not a fan of it but helps in ctfb if you dont know the map
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