Today B3 warned/kicked 3 different players for "bad name". None of them were offensive in any way. The only commonality I can come up with is that they all had a color and ^ at the start of their name. So not just a Red or Black name but a colored ^ at the start. One guy (BrokenMirror) took the color out and it stopped warning him. I was clearing them over and over and in an attempt to stop B3 from continuing to warn/kick them I used the !pause function after asking !help what it was. Well, FYI that does indeed stop B3 in every other aspect (meaning I couldn't even clear the warnings anymore) but did NOT stop B3 from continuing to warn and kick that player. I paused it for an hour so it should be over with by now but I haven't been back to check.
I don't know of a way to make it stop warning someone but if anyone does I'd be interested in knowing the commands.
B3 Kicking "bad names"
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Re: B3 Kicking "bad names"
I just looked through the settings for the censor plugin and most all the things it dislikes are truly dislikeable.
The one that isn't so clear is the double color that some people like to do, but that messes up the game/b3 handling of names, so best to keep that in. i would say that double colors are about the only non-obvious reason why someone would be kicked.
The one that isn't so clear is the double color that some people like to do, but that messes up the game/b3 handling of names, so best to keep that in. i would say that double colors are about the only non-obvious reason why someone would be kicked.
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Is life worth living? That depends on the liver.
Is life worth living? That depends on the liver.