Call of Duty 2 v1.3 game patch

Moderators: Borch, Executive Admin - !OHMY!, 4-Star Admin - |OHMY|

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Call of Duty 2 v1.3 game patch

Post by Borch »

This updates the game to version 1.3, from any version: ...
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Re: Call of Duty 2 game patch

Post by 10001110101 »

I keep a digital version of the game on google drive if anyone doesn't want to play through steam you can get in touch and I'll shoot you a link. It doesn't require you to even install the game, you just unzip it and put it where you want it, but you will have to update the patch manually. It's not complicated but you do have to move a few files around. I think I originally got this from HGH ROOK so if you can't find me for whatever reason he can likely send you the link or it's probably still on the HGH forums. If you don't have a key code I probably have one laying around somewhere as well.
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