Server map packs reworked

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Moderators: Borch, Executive Admin - !OHMY!, 4-Star Admin - |OHMY|

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Server map packs reworked

Post by Borch »

This means you will need to delete your F##.iwd and G##.iwd maps from the main directory, as they will conflict with the new packs.

We had problems with the existing map packs that we had:
1. Not all maps were included
2. Maps were used more than once, leading to conflicts.
3. There is a file Barrels.gsc which conflicted with other maps that used the same name, although with a different file, so to solve that, I renamed all the barrels.gsc files with the mapname in front, like "mp_bandit_barrels.gsc." In order to fix the barrels problem before, I turned off the barrels, which in itself might have led to some conflicts with other servers.
4. Made soundalias files for all the maps, just to be sure that that does not contribute to any issues with compatibility.
5. Files were a hodgepodge of lowercase and uppercase letters—we use linux, so the case of the letters in the files is important when dealing with these files. The game itself doesn't care about the case.
6. Removed the hunkusage.dat files, since they would be overwritten by all the others.

There are now 1339 maps in the map packs that we have, and it looks like we can have about 250 maps available on the server at any one time. Also new favorites have been added to the u0.iwd map pack, which is always on the server.

If you have any troubles, post here or contact me in teamspeak.
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Re: Server map packs reworked

Post by 10001110101 »

I'm brain dead so maybe I'm not thinking this through. However, couldn't this cause issues getting in for people who don't know we're doing this? Should we consider running a message for a bit before this is implemented? Or if it's a done deal run a stock rotation for a bit with that notification running that it's been done and that they could have issues if those aren't removed? Admins could still put custom maps on it just might be smart to try and keep them to a minimum for a bit if I'm not mistaken in this concern. It sounds like we couldn't just use a new naming convention but if so maybe that's a consideration? I know this had to of taken hours upon hours so adding more work to it just seems sadistic but I'm just sort of rambling here as I'm not even sure how to articulate my concern well yet alone think through the options around it. Anyway, I hope the concern is being communicated and if it's relevant someone who doesn't feel like their head is full of cobwebs can take it from there.
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Re: Server map packs reworked

Post by Borch »

I have backed this out, as there were some issues with it.
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