
Enjoy our servers? Like to chat with us on TeamSpeak? Looking for a COD2 community that truly feels like family (dysfunctions and all)?

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Post by GamerWV »

Hi, I like playing in your server and would like to join up. My in game name is: Gamer.

I understand that my name tag should be [OHMY]Gamer. I can use whatever single colors I want.

I understand that this is a community of players, friends who like to play and play well together.
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Re: App

Post by Shartnado »

Go ahead and put on [OHMY] gamer tags.
Welcome aboard.
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Re: App

Post by sexymamag »

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Re: App

Post by GamerWV »

Thank you glad to be here
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Re: App

Post by 10001110101 »

Welcome back Gamer. Glad to see you shooting at us again!
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