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Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2021 11:38 am
by Pengy
:roll: Yo folks, firstly let me say I have enjoyed my time on here for years until now, having gone through all my settings and checked speeds there is nothing wrong my end I can see.
So the question is what has changed? I cannot kill anything and might as well throw soggy toast at people. I get hip shot, jumps shot and headshot from across the map by people standing out in the open who are impossible to get near.
When this server went to Atlanta there was very little difference, now it’s unplayable, once more than say four a side are in its next to useless. I can be putting mags into people and then they turn around and smack me stupid.
Have been in games where everyone was moaning about the lag and jumpiness and even last night Borsch left because the rifle guys have so much power it was not worth playing,
I have watched many films and documentaries about WW2 and never seen a rifle man jump four foot in the air and headshot someone, not even in Saving Private Ryan, nor have I seen a pistol shoot some one in the eyeball at twenty yards.
Now lately we have seen lots of new peeps come into our game and they were fun, well most of em but they have all gone now so something’s putting them off.
We have lost a few of the people who have played on here for years and if it keeps up we are going to be an exclusive club of hip shooting, jumping, not aiming thugs, with no runners and that is the point of CTF.

I won’t be at the meeting on Sunday as have company but would love to start the conversation of how to maybe address some of my concerns, as I have said I used to be able to hold my own but now have the score of a noob. I have spent a lot of time watching the rifle guys play and they all have learnt the sweet spot where to shoot most of which from the hip. Playing against Sid the other day he just ran right through me even under rapid fire from my lil gun, not his fault but bloody annoying.
Can we not set all original configurations back to square one then all agree if changes are needed.
If not maybe a better server,I feel my days are numbered here if nothing changes and I want to stay, but cannot justify the frustration.

Pengy :roll: