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Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2018 2:37 pm
by Pengy
obviously stinky ol Lonewolf dont know his right from his left maybe i send him a pair of fresh socks marked L & R to help they the old doggy


Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2018 7:00 pm
by Nature


Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2018 11:04 am
by Borch
The gun drops were interesting, of course nobody is ever happy with losing their gun, but it just takes a quick "use" key to pick it back up. Basically, the gun drop was an approach to "one shot kills", as opposed to someone shotting the bejasus out of you but you get in a lucky pistol shot and kill them (such as the Shart "pistol" complaints).

Cannot say that I saw anyone actually leave the server because of the gun drop.

Anyone care to list folks who left the game because of it (need some evidence, ts chat, typing in game?) I suppose I could easily say that new players have been coming in because of the buzz on the internet about the gun drop on our server...

Searching the logs for references to gun drop:
375:51 say;714275;9;^(OhMy)EbenezerScrooge;loving this gun drop stuff
88:07 say;714275;0;^(OhMy)EbenezerScrooge;this gun dropping garbage is terrible


Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2018 11:35 am
by LoneWolf
Unless I am mistake, There isnt a log for which the players and members say in team speak. But there was during those time a strong feeling about the gun drop. I for one left Friday night due to the fact I wasnt enjoying myself in the game. I was there When Scrooge said loving this gun drop and he was being sarcastic about it ! Ive heard people through out the games say in TS how unhappy they were with it and waiting for it to go away! I guess its because I spend alot of time in the game than others!


Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2018 11:26 pm
by Shartnado
Get a job Loney! Then you won't have as much time to play cod2. Haha.

On a more serious note, I was actually one of the few that was okay with the gun drop once I figured out how to pick my gun back up. Seemed kind of real to me...

We need to remember that OHMY is a community lead server. From all I heard and read, the gun drop was not popular. So therefore we listen to our community.


Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2019 2:31 pm
by Borch
Our system of maps in use on our server is dependent on the population on the server, where maps that are small are played with a small number of players, medium sized maps with a medium number of players, and large maps due to a large number of players. But this is being defeated by players not leaving the server and staying in spectate.

This is causing huge maps to be played with a small population of players on the server. To fix this, I have changed the setting to kick players that are remain in spectate greater than 9 minutes.

For those who have the issue with windows 10 with game loading time, you can leave the game while still leaving the game running.

Since it is good to have 1 or 2 players on the server to keep it visible on the game search, I have set it so that the top admins will not be kicked, which means that Mama will be able to stay in spectate and keep the server populated with one, without being kicked. This means Shart, myself, and Pink have the same status, but none of us stay in spectate for a long time.


Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2019 8:04 pm
by Shartnado
Let's discuss this Sunday.


Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 8:57 am
by Icecreamman
just my pennies, Turn off the population v map size thing.? if a small map comes up when a lot of people are playing I have a feeling that it would be over fast with that many people in it. I know you have a reason for not having vote on, but if we did have it on for tagged members only (I don't know if that's even possible) just my pennies


Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 9:55 am
by Borch
Another decision I made on my own. Since it only improves gameplay, I see no issues with it.

I am so very sorry if it is too much of a problem for a player who stepped away for 20 minutes to rejoin the server.

As it was, the server would die in the smaller population times, because the 2-4 players would not want to play a huge map and would leave.

Frankly, I see no reason why this should not be implemented, other than it was I who implemented it.

By the way, I make an enormous number of decisions on the server without being endorsed by people who do not understand or need to understand, most are transparent.

An example. I rewrote this script in the last week in order to make it easier for shart to upload maps to the server.
(unix bash shell, run in cron)

listing=`ls /ssd/maps_to_install/|sed 's/^$//g'|wc -l`
let time_start=$(date +%s) # DROP DEAD TIMER
if test $listing -gt 0
touch /ssd/lock
let complete=0
while test $complete -eq 0
a=$(ls /ssd/maps_to_install/)
let count=0
for files in $a
#echo $files
unzip -tqq /ssd/maps_to_install/$files &>/dev/null
if test $answer -eq 0
let count+=1
sleep 30
if test $count -eq $(ls /ssd/maps_to_install/|grep "iwd$"|wc -l)
let complete=1
if test $(( $(date +%s) - time_start )) -gt 600
echo "aborting, too much time"
rm /ssd/lock
done #while loop
# get list of maps to process
files=`/bin/ls /ssd/maps_to_install/*iwd|/bin/sed 's/\/ssd\/maps_to_install\///g'`
echo "Installing maps="$files
for x in $files
# take .iwd off of the $x filename
echo "file being processed="$thename
# now list the maps in the map pack to $filelist
/usr/bin/unzip -l /ssd/maps_to_install/$x '*d3dbsp'|grep -v "Archive" >/root/temp_maps
filelist=`/bin/grep "maps" /root/temp_maps|colrm 1 38|/bin/sed 's/\.d3dbsp//g'`
echo "filelist="$filelist
echo "mapsList addition="$filelist" "$thename
echo $filelist" "$x>>'/var/www/data/mapsList'
rm /root/temp_maps
# create the mappack descriptor in packContents directory
# adds each file line by line
for y in $filelist
eval echo $y >> "/var/www/data/packContents/$thename"
echo " added map "$y" to packContents"
# change the properties of the files
echo "changing file properties"
eval /bin/chmod 777 "/var/www/data/packContents/$thename"
eval /bin/chown 'root:www-data' "/var/www/data/packContents/$thename"
#extract csv files to the soundalias folder
# $x still contains the .iwd suffix
cd /ssd/server/o/soundaliases/
/usr/bin/unzip -oj "/ssd/maps_to_install/$x" "*csv"
#change ownership of the csv files
/bin/chown cod2:cod2 *csv
#change ownership of the map file
/bin/chown 'cod2:www-data' "/ssd/maps_to_install/$x"
/bin/chmod 674 "/ssd/maps_to_install/$x"
#move all the files to the map_storage directory
/bin/mv /ssd/maps_to_install/*.iwd /ssd/map_storage/
#remove the lock file
rm /ssd/lock


Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 10:07 am
by Borch
Icecreamman wrote: Thu Jan 03, 2019 8:57 am just my pennies, Turn off the population v map size thing.? if a small map comes up when a lot of people are playing I have a feeling that it would be over fast with that many people in it. I know you have a reason for not having vote on, but if we did have it on for tagged members only (I don't know if that's even possible) just my pennies
Though that can be unpleasant, and by itself may drive away players, it is the cases where huge maps come up because of the population-driven map rotations, where we end up with ten players in spectate with only 2-4 playing.