To a great group of people whom I’ve come to know a bit, lovely people all of you…. too many to name.
This is a bit long but here goes, please read it fully.
It’s a an important message.
I was convicted of my sins six months ago, praise Jesus.
Hopefully you will be too if you haven't yet already, praise Jesus.
I begged Jesus for forgiveness, and turned away from worldly pleasures such as all gaming and all worldly music.
I am now on a crusade to be with God.
Jesus is my Lord! Not in name only but he is treated as my Lord.
I serve God with the time I have remaining on earth I urge everyone to do the same.
There are souls here that need to know Christ perhaps yours too and we are all called to spread the information on salvation to every corner of the earth including the person next to you.
I am doing my part you can too even if its only one person saved it might be your family member you save.
You should be a fruitful as you can…. glory to God.
You and we HAVE A PURPOSE.
I meet a lot of people at work. I drive a wheel chair van transporting patients many of them elderly and some badly sick to their doctor appointments.
Many of them are concerned for their life and death.
Many have no idea who Jesus is or how to know him.
Many went to church a long time ago but never had a relationship with Jesus.
They don’t know salvation.
I am blessed with a position to aid people in this regard.
Nearly all of them are eager to fellowship with me.
Many have hoped someone would start the conversation but nobody ever did.
Whether people are scared or ashamed to talk about salvation isn’t clear.
Some of them don’t believe in any God and it’s really sad.
All we can do is plant a seed and pray for the Holy Spirit.
Atheists live separated from God and most likely end up in a very bad place they didn’t believe in.
I planned to retire from my driver position but God was stern with me telling me not to retire and for me to keep working.
I obey of course and I’m confident I know why.
But it’s not spreading the word that is the path to heaven for me it is my personal position or standing with God which will determine where I go when I die.
Our works are like filthy rags.
I can bring 1,000 people to Jesus and I could still end up in hell.
However doing God’s will is OUR CALLING.
Make it your calling too so you can help bring beloved people you know to God and that they may not burn in hell.
Your family, friends and strangers.
It’s our duty.
We need a relationship with God like Adam and Eve had.
We need to be forgiven and repent every day if needed.
Going to church is very good for fellowship and worship but having the same kind of relationship with God as Adam and Eve is imperative.
If people persecute you for your new life in Jesus and for your beliefs or if they separate their relationship from you then this is the cross you carry.
Having faith in God is not as simple as going to church.
So much can be learned from NDE personal testimonies but you have to be capable of believing and understanding them.
Sometimes it requires an awakening by the Holy Spirit or sometimes just having an open mind.
I was saved as a born again Christian 35 years ago and then again Six months ago in a more meaningful way when I was convicted of the Holy Spirit. It changed my life.
Hopefully before you die If you are blessed you realize if you didn’t already the spirit world is more real than the physical one.
And you MUST use your time wisely.
People’s testimonies of hell and heaven are NOT DREAMS or chemical reactions in the brain. They are actual experiences that require your fullest attention.
If someone tells you, Don’t go in the house because there’s a man with a gun, it’s in your best interest to pay attention!
I have seen the sprit side. It’s real. Hell is exceptionally tormenting and the pain you will get if you go there is intolerable yet it is intolerable for eternity. When I say it’s intolerable I mean it in the deepest meaning of that word. You can be de skinned over and over and over.
Also, Eternity away from God is a brutal punishment, loss of all hope to ever escape is unbearable and love doesn’t even exist.
It adds to the misery. It is a torture on its own.
How does a person tolerate hell? They don’t. It’s far worse than you can imagine but if you listen to testimonies you can partially understand. Some of you may remain in disbelief. You have to know you are being warned. WARNED
Wide is the path to heaven but narrow is the gate.
Few people obtain heaven. Sadly.
Large in part for refusing to believe what you need to believe.
The horror and shock of suddenly appearing in hell for eternity when you die is a common occurrence.
You question God immediately and God answers you immediately why you are there.
His answer is spot on correct and you agree but sadly reality and pain comes quick thereafter and you are there for eternity.
On earth we reach out for a sympathetic ear and we are forgiven.
That’s not going to happen when you send yourself to hell.
When you arrive, it’s done.
The final judgement is the final judgement regardless if you say you’re sorry. And believe me you will say you are sorry over and over until you realize it’s done. Many will then curse God but you sent yourself there, he didn’t send you.
We prepare ourselves for retirement but rarely do we prepare for our eternity. You have a lifetime to do it. Never wait.
You can drop to your knees at any time to ask the for forgiveness for your sins IN DETAIL, he knows your every thought so LET IT ALL OUT. THEN ask for the Holy SpiriT if he doesn’t already rush through your body… which he probably will anyway…. Turn away from worldly pleasures and seek redemption. LOVE God more than the world should be your new outlook on life.. Conviction of the Holy Spirit can do that for you. Pray pray pray for it!
Heaven has so much joy in it that people don’t want to leave if they see it.
Do you want to see your own NDE testimony / NDE vision?
Get right with God and then, Pray pray pray for it!
God is not a Genie in a bottle to grant wishes for worldly things or other things that are not of his will for you.
He is God and he is real and he is alive and will answer prayers.
Develop that relationship!
Keep learning with YouTube!
There you have Bible readings,lessons, experiences ALL at your disposal.
Learn about which religion believes what…. Which preachers are bad dragging entire churches into hell… It’s all on YouTube
Get busy!
What you believe is IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There is a BATTLE over what you BELIEVE
Sinning can be gossiping or separation from God among so many other things.
Stop being joyful when something bad happens to t people you don’t like.. it’s a sin.
After you are forgiven of your sins and convicted by the Holy Spirit
you will probably sin again and again but you will feel guilty more than before and seek forgiveness again and again.
That’s ok.
I have a YouTube playlist that you don’t want to miss.
After you watch a lot them the algorithm will catch on!!!!!!!!
After the algorithm catches on then Jesus may answer many of your questions using the algorithm. At least he does this ALL THE TIME for me and he is consistent. Jesus gives me a VERY consistent algorithm tailored for my questions.
These VIDEOS are all EXCELLENT and the last video although an hour in length is especially touching.
Final thought - notice many of the testimonials of people that become believers don’t do it because they read the Bible or something else they instead do it because they experienced something almost unexplainable. Supernatural experiences or supernatural coincidences beyond explanation.
So when non-believers ask for scientific ‘proof’ of the existence of God they are shooting themself in the foot.
YouTube must watch videos ... aI2s-hsNlY
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