
Moderators: Borch, Executive Admin - !OHMY!, 4-Star Admin - |OHMY|

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Post by Borch »

Our server is running antilag, which helps those with a higher ping.

Outlaw does not run antilag. This is probably why folks complain that our server seems to not be as easy to kill on. (I don't really know, because we have not run without antilag being set).

I thought I would bring it up for discussion. Turning it off would make it harder for the Europeans—oops I mean those on the continent of Great Britain, since I've been told by them over and over that they aren't part of Europe. 😅😂😄😅
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Re: antilag

Post by bonehill »

Hi Borch

Much appreciation for running the antilag to help we players from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland - it would be even more appreciated if you could turn the dial right up as those from the Americas still appear to have the edge!

Thank you

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Re: antilag

Post by 10001110101 »

Interesting. I would have sworn that Outlaw ran it. It was the primary reason I didn't play there to begin with... I must have just looked at the settings wrong but it sure seems wonky at times. Especially when the Uzbekistan players and their 240 pings are on...but maybe that's imagination but I still don't find the sprint/trips/etc. fun over there. I asked that antilag be turned off one time for a couple of weeks to test something on our server and nobody could tell much one way or the other once it was off so it was reverted back. While I understand the function I sometimes wonder if it doesn't perform erratically. Leaving people frustrated with inconsistency more than true "lag". But that's just me musing/guessing/etc.
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